Measuring instrument with diaphragm measuring unit for displaying, monitoring and transmitting measured values of pressure, negative pressure or differential pressure of non-aggressive gases.

Differential pressure transmitters are used in many applications where it is necessary to measure the pressure difference between two different areas and convert it into an electrical signal. Here are some examples of differential pressure transmitter applications:

  1. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems: Differential pressure sensors are used in HVAC systems to measure the pressure difference between different ducts or rooms to ensure optimal airflow distribution.
  2. Filtration: Differential pressure sensors are used in filter systems to measure the pressure difference before and after the filter in order to monitor the condition of the filter and the need for maintenance and replacement.
  3. Medical applications: Differential pressure transmitters are used in medical equipment to measure the pressure difference in various systems, such as ventilators.
  4. Air flow measurement: differential pressure transmitters are used in air flow measurement to measure the pressure difference between different areas to monitor and control the air flow.
  5. Gas flow measurement: Differential pressure transmitters are also used in gas flow measurement to measure the pressure difference between different areas to monitor and control the gas flow.

Overall, differential pressure transmitters can be used in any application where it is necessary to measure the pressure difference between different areas to ensure optimum performance and operating conditions.


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